Erectile dysfunction (ED) occurs when a person loses the ability to maintain an erection. The muscles in the area that work to maintain an erection can lose strength and tone over time, contributing to ED. However, the most common causes of ED are conditions that affect the function of the cardiovascular system, including obesity and high blood pressure (hypertension).
Exercise can help improve ED by building muscle tone and strength and improving cardiovascular function. In cases in which ED is caused by something else, exercise may not be beneficial.
A Note on Gender and Sex Terminology
Verywell Health acknowledges that sex and gender are related concepts, but they are not the same. To reflect our sources accurately, this article uses terms like “female,” “male,” “woman,” and “man” as the sources use them.
1. Kegel Exercises (Pelvic Floor Exercises)
Kegel exercises target the pelvic floor muscles, which play a role in the maintenance of blood flow to the penis to sustain an erection. You can do two types of pelvic floor activation exercises to improve muscle tone in the area and, thus, symptoms of erectile dysfunction.1
Learning to activate pelvic floor muscles includes:2
- Lie down on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms straight down by your sides.
- Use your breathing, exhale and squeeze your pelvic muscles. Hold for three seconds.
- Inhale and release for another three seconds before repeating.
It’s essential to activate the right muscles. You will know you’re doing it correctly if you can feel muscles at the bottom of the pelvis contract.
Sitting Pelvic Floor Activation
To perform sitting pelvic floor activation, you will:1
Myers C, Smith M. Pelvic floor muscle training improves erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: A systematic review. Physiotherapy. 2019 Jun;105(2):235-243. doi:10.1016/
- Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart, and arms at your sides.
- Activate the pelvic muscles in the way mentioned above, doing three counts on the exhale to hold and three counts on the inhale to release.
- Repeat the movement for 15 to 20 rounds.
Standing Pelvic Floor Activation
You can also perform these exercises while standing straight with your arms by your sides and your feet as wide as your hips. On the exhale, activate the muscles for three seconds; on the inhale, release them for three seconds.1
How Often Should You Do Kegels?
When you’re just starting, you should gauge your body to see how well you handle the exercise and ease into it. Once you can perform Kegels three times daily, add in other exercises that benefit ED.
2. Aerobic Exercises
Aerobic exercises can significantly improve ED because they improve cardiovascular health (the heart and blood vessels).3
Types of aerobic exercises that you can include in your routine are:4
- Cycling
- Rowing
- Running
- Spin classes
- Swimming
- Walking
How Intense Should Aerobic Exercises Be for ED?
Typically, any type of aerobic exercise will help, but moderate to higher intensity is suggested to have a more significant impact.4
3. Yoga
Yoga is another exercise that can help improve the symptoms of ED by improving circulation and blood flow to the groin area. An older study from 2010 has also shown that yoga can improve many other parameters of sexual function, including performance, ejaculatory control, and orgasm.5
Two types of yoga that support sexual function are:6
- Tantra, which enhances mindfulness and often includes sexual practices within the session
- Kundalini, which consists of chants and poses to help extend and improve sexual pleasure
How to Choose the Right Technique for You
Choosing the proper exercise is a personal decision; only you can decide which type will be best for you. You’ll have to consider the enjoyment you’ll get from the exercise, which will play into how well you stick to a routine, as well as your current health and fitness level.
For example, aerobic exercises are great for circulation, but running for long periods isn’t always recommended for people with specific lung diseases and can be harmful for those with disorders that affect their knee joints.
By considering your capabilities, health level, and desired activity, you can choose the exercise that offers the most benefit for you.
How Often to Exercise to Improve ED Symptoms
People who want to use exercise as an added support in treating their ED should engage in 40 minutes of moderate to high-intensity exercise four times per week.
Beginning a New Exercise Routine
While it is recommended to spend 40 minutes four times per week doing moderate to high-intensity exercise, it’s essential to ease your body into a new routine if you haven’t exercised in a long time. This will help you avoid injury and burnout and get your muscles used to more physical activity without putting too much stress on the body.
Prevention Also Involves Improving Diet
Eating a healthy diet full of whole foods can help prevent ED because the body needs various nutrients to run at its best. Multiple parameters of health that can play a role in ED can be improved through diet, such as:7
- Improve blood flow
- Increase testosterone levels
- Reduce heart-related ill health
- Reduce inflammation
Many Long- and Short-Term Treatment Options
There are many ways you can reclaim your sex life without medication, but various drugs are available, among other therapies, that you can try if other avenues don’t work.8
Some medications include:
- Viagra (Sildenafil)
- Levitra.Staxyn (Vardenafil)
- Cialis (Tadalafil)
- Stendra (Avanafil)
- Alprostadil, an injectable medication
- Alprostadil, a urethral suppository
Other treatments may involve:
- A vacuum device that draws blood into the penis
- Surgery in which an implantable device is placed into the penis to make it erect
- Surgery to rebuild arteries that drive a lack of blood flow to the penis
- Counseling to address the psychological aspects of ED
Tips for Coping
ED can be challenging to cope with, so it’s essential that people who have ED practice positive coping mechanisms, including:
- Communicating with their partners
- Seeking support
- Learning about ED and its causes and getting the appropriate medical care for underlying conditions
- Redefining intimacy in a way that works for yourself and your partner
- Staying on top of healthy eating and exercise
Work With Your Healthcare Provider
Before starting an exercise program to improve ED, speak to your healthcare provider. They will be able to provide a detailed account of your current state of health, what your body can currently handle, and what exercises would be the most beneficial for you. Follow up with your provider and consider other treatments available for ED.
Erectile dysfunction can be challenging to cope with, but there are many therapy options available, including exercise. By performing various exercises that help to strengthen the pelvic muscles, increase cardiovascular health, and improve overall health, you can experience relief.
Talking to your partner about your ED, seeking counselling, and trying medications are all other viable options to use alongside exercise to address your ED. Before starting any new treatment or exercise regimen, you should speak to your healthcare provider to address any underlying causes.